Regional Workshop on Underutilized Animal Genetic Resources and their Amelioration, 4-6 March 2019, Selangor, Malaysia

Background and Rationale

Livestock biodiversity is important for food and livelihood security particularly in the developing countries. About 70% of the world’s rural poor keeps livestock and rely on them as important component of their livelihoods. Maintaining the livestock diversity is a challenging task due to constraints.


  • To assess the current status of underutilized AnGR at sub-regional level and to assess R&D status of priority native breeds that are needed to promote the use of underutilized AnGR in Asia-Pacific.
  • To discuss the knowledge gaps and way forward in defining regional priorities concerning AnGR and create awareness on the role and value of underutilized AnGR that have potential for diversification of food basket.
  • To formulate strategies to increase awareness, strengthening the institutional framework for AnGR management, and legal and policy framework to promote sustainable uitilization of underutilized AnGR
  • Expected outcomes
    The Regional Workshop will provide a platform for sharing experiences/knowledge relating to underutilized AnGR of Asia-Pacific that have food and nutritional value.
  • Assessing the importance of most potential AnGR, status of their R&D for exploring the possibilities of their commercial use and eventual benefit to smallholder farmers.
  • Developing a Road Map to ensure efficient management including conservation and sustainable use of underutilized AnGR for food and nutritional security in Asia-Pacific.

A collaboration between APAARI, APCoAB, MARDI, ACIAR and COA. 

Download the agenda HERE