The Executive Committee meets at least twice a year and is convened by the Executive Secretary of APAARI. It manages the affairs of the Association in accordance with its Constitution and the policies and directives adopted by the General Assembly. The Executive Committee reports to the General Assembly on the implementation of approved programme of work and the progress made in fulfilling the objectives of the Association. It is composed of 14 members, namely, Chair, Vice-Chair, Executive Secretary of APAARI, and eleven other members representing different stakeholder constituencies.

Read more about the composition of the Executive Committee

25. The Association shall have an Executive Committee, composed of the following fourteen (14) members:

i. Six (6) members representing the Category I (Country Core Member Organizations) of which two (2) shall be from the South Asia and West Asia sub-region, two (2) from the South-East Asia and East Asia sub-region, and two (2) from the Pacific sub-region. One of these six members shall be the out-going Chairperson, who will continue as a member for the new term, to ensure continuity and needed guidance to the new Executive Committee;

ii. A member representing the member organization from the host country of APAARI;

iii. A member representing the higher education sector (agricultural universities and institutions);

iv. A member representing the CGIAR – as represented by one of the CGIAR Center Directors General;

v. A member representing the AIRCA – as represented by one of the AIRCA member institutions;

vi. A member representing the private sector organizations;

vii. A member representing donor/funding agencies/organizations;

viii. A member who is the incumbent Executive Secretary of the GFAR; and

ix. The incumbent Executive Secretary of APAARI as an ex-officio member.

26. The members shall be nominated/elected by the General Assembly in its biennial meeting from the respective groups of member organizations. A member organization shall not have more than one representative on the Executive Committee.

27. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall be

Read more about the duties of the Executive Committee

33. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice every year and such meetings shall be convened by the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson.

34. The Executive Committee shall oversee the affairs of APAARI in accordance with 
this Constitution, and policies and directives adopted/given by the General Assembly.

The specific duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:

i. Review and approve biennial work plan, income and expenditure plan, audited financial statements, projects and collective actions of APAARI;

ii. Plan and develop policies, strategies, directives, rules of procedures, and regulations for approval by the General Assembly;

iii. Suggest and approve the necessary standards of management to enhance functioning, performance and governance of APAARI;

iv. Propose to the General Assembly the composition of the Executive Committee, delegation of required authority to the Executive Committee, and
suggest any other powers/duties of the General Assembly as conferred upon under this Constitution;

v. Form and appoint sub-committee(s) of the Executive Committee to deal with specific purpose(s);

vi. Appoint APAARI Executive Secretary and periodically assess and review his/her performance; and

vii. Design, endorse and propose amendments to the Constitution for approval by the General Assembly, as and when needed.

35. The Executive Committee members shall participate in any specific purpose committee(s), as formed from time to time, by the Executive Committee and/or by the General Assembly.

36. The Executive Committee members, as and when required, shall represent APAARI at internal and external meetings, forums and events in fulfilling the objectives of APAARI.

Executive Committee for the biennium 2021–2022

Dr. Peter Horne

Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Australia  


Dr. Himanshu Pathak

Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR), India



Mr. Chih-Hung Lin
Council of Agriculture (COA)

Mr. Rapibhat Chandarasrivongs
Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand

Dr. Vinesh Kumar
 (from October 2021)
Ministry of Agriculture (MAF), Fiji 

Dato’ Dr. Mohamad Zabawi Abdul Ghani

Malaysian Agricultural Research
and Development Institute (MARDI), 

Dr. Tooraj Valinassab
Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Iran

Dr. Jean Balie

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Dr. Marco Wopereis
World Vegetable Center

Dr. R. Basavarajappa

UAS, Dharwad
Higher Education

Prof. Dr. Hildegard Lingnau
Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR)

Dr. Ravi Khetarpal

Executive Secretary, APAARI

Previous APAARI Executive Committee