The General Assembly is the highest body of APAARI that meets once every two years. Each core and associate member organization of APAARI is represented with one vote in General Assembly meetings. The General Assembly determines the policy of the Association, approves its programme of work and budget, reviews progress, and exercises other powers conferred upon it under the Constitution. Specifically, the duties of the General Assembly are to:

  1. Consider and endorse biennial work plan, income expenditure plan, strategic plan, audited financial statements, progress and performance reports, human resource development report as presented by the Executive Committee;
  2. Consider and approve policies, directives, rules of procedures, and regulations made in accordance with this Constitution;
  3. Nominate/elect the Executive Committee, appoint any specific purpose committee(s), appoint any member of the Assembly to serve on such specific purpose committee, delegate any required authority to the Executive Committee, and exercise other powers/duties as conferred upon the General Assembly under this Constitution;
  4. Consider and approve recommendations of the Executive Committee for effective functioning and governance of APAARI; and
  5. As and when needed, consider and approve amendments to the Constitution for enhancing the performance and effectiveness of APAARI.

Read more about the General Assembly

19. There shall be a General Assembly of APAARI, wherein each member organization shall be represented by one delegate.

20. The General Assembly shall meet at least once every two years. The meeting of the General Assembly shall be presided over by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, as assisted by the Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee.

21. Each member organization under Membership Category I (Country Core Member Organizations) and Category II (Associate Member Organizations) shall have one vote at the General Assembly meetings. Member organizations under Category III (Affiliate Member Organizations) and Category IV (Reciprocal Member Organizations) shall not have voting right at the General Assembly meetings.

22. The Chairperson shall allow adequate time for mutual consultation among members prior to voting on any issue/matter. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

23. All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote (more than 50% of votes in favour), except for those relating to amendment of the Constitution, and dissolution of the Association, wherein the decision shall take place as under Article XVI and Article XVII.

APAARI General Assembly 2018, Taipei