During January – June 2017, APAARI organized, co-organized and participated in several activities comprising various meetings, conferences and training programmes. These included: i) Regional Symposium on “Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological/Organic Lens; ( ii) Regional Food Security conference: Let’s Get to Work – Building a Food Secure Future; iii) International Training Workshop on Developing Knowledge Management in Agriculture for Small-scale Farmers; iv) CDAIS Innovation Fair at NAFRI, Vientiane, Lao-PDR; v) GFAR Steering Committee Meetings; vi) Workshop on e-Business Modeling for Women Entrepreneurs; vii) Implementation of CRP Dryland Cereals Scholarship Programme; and viii) APAARI Knowledge Management Programme. A brief account of the accomplishments is presented here for information and reference of APAARI members, partners and other stakeholders.

APAARI Progress Report (January–June 2017) (1924 downloads)