The Expert Consultation on ‘Strengthening Linkages between Research and Extension to Promote Food and Nutrition Security’ on 11-12 December, 2013 is jointly organized by the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA) through the SATNET Asia project and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with inputs from the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions.

Research and extension systems are facing a number of critical new challenges; for example, sustainable intensification in agriculture, climate change, growing populations and etc. To explore ways to efficiently and effectively meet these challenges and leverage opportunities, the consultation brings together national leaders in research and extension as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society to assess existing research-extension system linkages, identify opportunities and gaps, and explore how the research-extension services can contribute to present and future food and nutrition security.  An action framework for strengthening research-extension linkages in the region will also be developed.


United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand

Background Note and Program (2157 downloads)

For further details on the consultation, please visit