The GCARD 2 Organising Committee Meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Dr Raj Paroda on 21-22 July, 2011 in Rome to discuss and finalise the GCARD 2 program and preparations.

Organising Committee:

Dr Raj Paroda, Chair, GCARD2 Organizing Committee and GFAR Programme Committee
Prof Monty Jones, GFAR Chair and Executive Director, FARA
Dr Ruben Echeverria, Director General, CIAT, for the CGIAR Centers
Dr Anne-Marie Izac, CGIAR Consortium Office, for the CGIAR Consortium
Dr Aggrey Agumya, Technical Advisor to Executive Director, FARA
Dr Mario Allegri, Chair, FORAGRO and Host Country representative
Dr Claudio Barriga, Vice-chair, GFAR
Dr Shantanu Mathur, Head, Grant Secretariat, IFAD
Ms Sonali Bisht, NGO Representative
Dr Mohamed El-Kholy, AARINENA and farmers
Dr Frederic Lapeyrie, Ministry of Higher Education & Research, France
Ms Lucy Muchoki, Pan African Agribusiness Consortium, private sector
Dr Andrea Sonnino, FAO, OEKR
Dr Mark Holderness, Executive Secretary, GFAR
John Mutunga, KenFAP, farmers

GFAR Secretariat:

Dr Harry Palmier, Senior Partnership Expert, GFAR Secretariat
Dr Ajit Maru, Senior Officer, GFAR Secretariat
Mr Piero Masciotta, Finance Officer, GFAR Secretariat
Ms Ilona Kononenko, Conference Organizer, GFAR Secretariat

The approved theme as formulated and agreed after an in depth discussion among Organising Committee Members was: Foresight and Partnership for Innovation and Impact on Smallholder Livelihoods.

The Key outcomes desired from GCARD 2 are:

  • Improving foresight by collective action
  • Tracking the progress on Roadmap implementation
  • Sharpen ideas on ways forward to achieve the desired transformations in AR4D systems at all levels, leading into agendas for action.

GCARD 2 Flyer (2234 downloads)

Visit GFAR Website for full details of GCARD2 program: