Co-located with the 3rd Microbiome for Agriculture Congress Asia, the 8th edition of this congress will dive deeper in plant genomics and gene editing through a series of case studies and examination of the latest scientific research.

Attracting over 150 experts working in all areas of plant science and with more than 45 presentations across 4 tracks, this 2-day conference will examine the latest in genomics and gene editing methods for specific crop plant studies, as well as explore developments in plant bioinformatics, phenotyping, and artificial intelligence.

The microbiome for agriculture congress will take a closer look on the interaction of the microbiota found in the ground and its agricultural benefits to plants, the role it plays in the cycling of nutrients, the rapid growth of the agricultural biologicals industry as well the role microbiota plays in disease and stress resistance.

This year, there would also be opportunities for early career researchers to present their research with our 30 minutes Early Career Researcher Presentations sessions.

For more information about the event, click here 

For more information about the 3rd Microbiome for Agriculture: Asia, click here

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