CAPSA is organizing an Expert Consultation on ‘Strengthening Linkages between Research and Extension to Promote Food and Nutrition Security’ in partnership with FAO in December, 2013 as part of the SATNET Asia project. The objective of the Consultation is to assess existing research-extension linkages in the region, identify gaps, and explore how the system’s capacity can be further enhanced. The event, which is expected to see participation from heads of Research and Extension from various countries in the Asia-Pacific region as well as other stakeholders, will include a session on private or NGO-led research-extension systems.

In this context, SATNET’s fourth electronic discussion on ‘Role of the Private Sector and Civil Society in Strengthening Research-Extension Linkages’ will be initiated on Friday, 13 September 2013 through the LinkedIn platform. In addition to providing an opportunity for mutual learning on this important topic amongst SATNET participants, it is envisaged that this online discussion will also contribute useful inputs towards the above-mentioned session of the Expert Consultation.

A Background Note provides the overall context and help start the discussion. Interested persons are invited to review this note and contribute your thoughts, particularly on the following aspects:

1) What are some examples of successful private sector and/or civil society-led research-extension systems in countries of the Asia-Pacific region?
2) How can the private sector and civil society help to strengthen research-extension linkages? What are their unique strengths and limitations?
3) How can the role of the private sector and civil society in strengthening research-extension linkages be further enhanced?
As mentioned in the Background Note, it is expected that some of the examples of successful private sector and/or civil society-led research-extension systems identified through this online discussion will be showcased at the Expert Consultation. There is a possibility of inviting some active contributors during this online discussion to attend the Expert Consultation.
The discussion will run for 14 days starting from 13 September and will close on 27 September 2013.

If you are already on LinkedIn, please click here: to join the ‘SATNETAsia’ group. If you need to register on LinkedIn first, please click here: and search for ‘SATNETAsia’ in the group search engine. If you have any problems logging in or joining the group, please contact the SATNET Team at
Network for Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Agricultural Technologies& Improved Linkages in South and Southeast Asia (SATNET ASIA)
Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA)
Jalan Merdeka 145, Bogor 16111, Indonesia
Phone: +62-251-8343277
Fax: +62-251-8336290
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SATNET on Linked In

SATNET Guidelines for participants (1811 downloads)