Building evidence for transforming agricultural innovation systems under climate change – A webinar series to set the path for a transformation in agricultural innovation systems in the lead up to COP26

The Commission for Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI) is working in partnership with FCDO and CCAFS as part of their webinar series “to set the path for a transformation in agricultural innovation systems in the lead up to COP26”. The webinar series is focussed on “building evidence for transforming agricultural innovation systems under climate change”. The evidence CoSAI is developing to support increased and improved investment in innovation is being presented and discussed at Webinar 1 (26 May 2021) focussed on the current investment in agricultural innovation in the Global South and at Webinar 5 (23 June) focussed on what investment in innovation is needed for transforming agricultural systems in the Global South.  The presentation of these studies and subsequent discussion lay the foundation for the case being developed by the Commission to enable the increased investment in innovation for sustainable agriculture intensification in the Global South.