The first APAARI Executive Committee meeting in 2015 was held at the Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 12 May 2015 under the chairmanship of Dr Suwit Chaikiattiyos, Deputy Director General of DoA Thailand, who officiated the meeting for Mr Anan Suwannarat, Chairman of APAARI and Director General of Department of Agriculture Thailand.  The meeting was attended by 24 persons including Executive Committee members, special invitees, observers and APAARI staffs.

Proceedings of the APAARI Executive Committee will be published soon. Summary of Key decisions are as follows

1. Decision Number: 4.1/(1) 2015

APAARI Progress Report November 2014- April 2015 was endorsed and its relevant aspects would be included in the Progress Report: January – July 2015

2. Decision Number: 6.1/(1) 2015

Audit Report and Audited Financial Statements as audited by APAARI External Auditor for financial year  2014 was endorsed.

3. Decision Number: 7.1/(1) 2015

The GAAP Professional Audit Co. Ltd was approved as External Auditor for APAARI during the biennium 2015-16

4. Decision Number: 8.1/(1) 2015

The Executive Committee approved APAARI Work Plan 2015 for implementation. The major projects are:

  • Revisiting APAARI Vision 2025
  • High Level Policy Dialogue on Investment in AR4D in Asia-Pacific Region
  • M&E towards Outcome and Impact Assessment
  • Policy Dialogue on Transforming Towards Knowledge Based Agriculture in SE Asia
  • Dialogue on Performance of Bt. Brinjal in Bangladesh and prospects of its wider adoption
  • Development of Communication Strategies for Adoption of Agri-biotechnology in Asia-Pacific

Major highlight of Revisiting APAARI Vision 2025 being

  • Stage One:  on Development of Vision Document containing Vision, Mission and Goal Statements with outline of broad system level outcomes, strategic trusts and strategic interventions.
  • The Vision Document to be developed in close consultation with EC Members and other eminent persons participated in the EC meeting.
  • Draft Vision Document thus developed will go through wider consultation with APAARI members, partners and stakeholders.
  • The Executive Secretary of APAARI is tasked to oversee the development.
  • Stage Two: The Second Stage of Strategic Planning on Mid-Term Program Implementation Plan will be undertaken after the acceptance of the revised Vision Document

5. Decision Number: 9.1/(1) 2015

APAARI Income-Expenditure Plan for 2015-16 was approved for implementation. The highlights are:

  • Estimated income (US$  825,881 and predicted expenditure (US$ 805,547) during 2015
  • Estimated income (US$ 724,074) and predicted expenditure US$ 795, 838, with a provision of using US$ 71,764 from the reserve funds during 2016.

6. Decision Number: 10.1/(1) 2015

The Asia Pacific Seed Association (APSA) has been nominated and endorsed as a representative of the private sector on the APAARI Executive Committee for the biennium 2015-16.

7. Decision Number: 10.2/(1) 2015.

Proposal for an additional seat to jointly represent the Association of International Research Centres for Agriculture (AIRCA) and Universities (Higher Education Sector) on the APAARI Executive Committee was approved, subject to the approval of the appropriate  amendment to the APAARI Constitution by the  APAARI General Assembly.

8. Decision Number: 10.3/(1) 2015

The Executive Committee approved the following composition of APCoAB Steering Committee for the Biennium 2015-16.

# Position Designation Organization Country
1 Chairman Chairman, APAARI Executive Committee (DG, Department of Agriculture) Department of


2 Vice Chairman DG, International Cooperation (Funder) Council of Agriculture (CoA) Chinese Taipei
3 Member Executive Director (Expertise in Biotechnology) PCAARRD Philippines
4 Member Executive Chairman (Vice-Chair, APAARI)) BARC Bangladesh
5 Member Representative (Funder) ACIAR Australia
6 Member Representative World Fish Centre Malaysia
7 Member Executive Secretary APAARI Thailand
8 Secretary Coordinator APCoAB Thailand
  Participant Biotech Professional ICRISAT India


9. Decision Number: 10.4/(1) 2015

The Executive Committee approved the following composition of APARIS Steering Committee for the Biennium 2015-16.

Composition of APARIS Steering Committee: Biennium 2015-16
# Title Designation Organization Country
1 Chairman Chairman, APAARI Executive Committee (DG, Department of Agriculture) Department of Agriculture Thailand
2 Vice-Chairman Member, APAARI Executive Committee ACIAR Australia
3 Member Member,  APAARI Executive Committee GFAR Italy
4 Member Member,  APAARI Executive Committee ICRAF Kenya
5 Member Representative FAO-RAP Thailand
6 Member Executive Secretary APAARI Thailand
7 Secretary APARIS Coordinator APAARI Thailand


10. Decision Number: 11.4/(1) 2015

It was resolved that APAARI would explore the possibilities of supporting the recovery and assisting in rehabilitation of agriculture that has been adversely affected in Nepal because of the recent earthquakes in the country.